Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vegas Cautions

My apologies for the lack of posts, but as my Mom Buck has stated several times it is going to be really hard for me to get any material as she is really "melancholy in the fall". This statement has proven NOT to be true, but out of respect for my Mom Buck I have not posted many of the recent events that would have made great posts out of specific requests from the star of the show.

That being said I will carry on with some cautions my Mom Buck offered prior to a recent trip to Vegas...

Mom: "Laura, you keep a very close eye on your drinks, you don't want anyone putting rubbies in it"

Me: "I think you mean ruffies"

Mom: "Whatever it is called I am not kidding, you don't leave Eric's side"

Me: "Okay" with a hint of normal sarcasm.

Mom: "Now you stay right next to Eric the entire time you are there"

Me: "Okay" with much sarcasm.

Mom: Sterner this time, "I meant it Laura, with you two cute girls wandering around some pimp could steel you and put you right into prostitution!"

Me: "Right"

Mom: Lighthearted now, "Love you and have fun!"

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